Beyerdynamics DT770 Pro 32Ω Review
Reviewed by Noah Ydreskog
I am not very well-versed in critical listening and testing audio equipment, but I recently got a new pair of headphones (the ones in the topic line) and thought I'd write about my impressions after a few weeks of using them. I did work in a hi-fi store for some time so have a little bit of experience with more expensive headphones as well. I've owned quite a few pairs of headphones over the years with very different sound profiles.
These headphones are extremely high-resolution for the price, i.e. have a very fast driver speed. It is probably difficult to find higher-resolution headphones in the same price range. They are durable, have high build quality, very comfortable and good sound isolation. One complaint are the exposed cords between the headband and the drivers, which are thin. They are very V-shaped in frequency response, meaning prominent bass and (very) prominent highs.
This creates a somewhat screamy sound, with very high details and clarity. The mids are very noticeably recessed, to an awkward extent. The bass is very pleasant and I doubt it's too much for most people, although it certainly is higher than neutral, especially in the mid-/upper bass area (~100-150 Hz). The high build quality, clear highs and defined bass make it an excellent technological spectacle for the price paid.
It also makes it relatively easy to EQ the headphones to further improve the frequency response and sound profile. The following equalization matches my liking and definition of “neutral” (which varies, of course, between person and person and isn’t always precise):
Here are my two Peace EQ presets (put them in the EqualizerAPO/config folder), one with Crossfeed and one without:
With Crossfeed (compensates for coloration by the CF to sound as transparent as possible):
Without Crossfeed:
Written by: Noah Ydreskog